Nordic Clinker Boat Traditions and Coastal Culture 

The history of Clinker Boats in the Nordic region stretches back at least two millennia. Throughout this time, the Clinker Boat in all its variations has been a vital tool for fishing, freight, farming and shipping in the entire Nordic region. These traditions of Clinker Boats is an essential part of our shared Nordic cultural history, and we consider it to be immensely important to preserve them for posterit

De multiples variantes du bateau à clins sont répertoriées dans différentes régions de la zone nordique. Il s’agit d’un mode spécifique de construction de la coque, dans lequel la partie supérieure de chaque bordage (planche de bordé) est recouverte par la partie inférieure du bordage du dessus. L’assemblage est réalisé au moyen de rivets en fer ou en cuivre, de ligatures en fibre de tilleul, racines etc. Toutes ces embarcations ont en commun leurs bordages constitués de planches chevauchantes. Aujourd’hui comme hier, les charpentiers de marine travaillent selon les pratiques locales et en fonction des desiderata des acheteurs, de l’usage assigné au bateau, des zones maritimes et des conditions dans lesquelles il est appelé à naviguer. Le rapport à l’environnement naturel est, dans ce contexte, particulièrement important. Il n’est pas rare que le constructeur se rende lui-même en forêt pour y chercher le bois le plus approprié. Les exigences en termes de qualité des matériaux sont très élevées. La méthode suivie est grosso modo la même pour tous les bateaux à clins de la zone nordique.

For almost two millenia people of the Nordic region have been building clinker boats for different purposes and in different environments. While today clinker boats in most areas are only rarely used in coastal farming and fishing communities, they continue being built for use in traditional festivities, courses, regattas, sporting events, and group voyages in which they are sailed in the traditional way. These traditions of Clinker Boats are an essential part of our shared Nordic cultural history, and we consider it to be immensely important to preserve them for posterity. 

The communities that are keeping these intangible cultural heritages alive in all the Nordic countries have come together to nominate the Nordic Clinker Boat Traditions for inscription on UNESCOS Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Achieving this would contribute significantly to ensuring visibility and awareness of the importance of safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage in general and the Clinker Boat Traditions in particular. This Nordic Nomination Project is part of the work is being done to uphold UNESCOs Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage that all the Nordic countries have ratified.

So far, more than two hundred entities are behind this nomination process. They include boatbuilders, communities, groups, museums, associations and individuals.  All of them as bearers of the tradition of Clinker Boats, that are actively safeguarding it through their work or voluntary activities. Read more about who is behind the nomination.